Karcature #12 – The Powerful Stream

BINGE WATCH this Playlist — http://buff.ly/1Lzshs0

The powerful stream! Join KIDSHORYUKEN, RPGMACHINE86 and myself the FORGER OF PAAAAAAAIIIIINNN!!

Checkout the 3 ultimate geeks talking about anime, horror, videogames and a lot of crazy stuff once a month!

Subscribe to our channels to know the dates of our streams and hangout live and ask us questions and shit! and thats a lot of ands in one sentece…

– KIDSHORYUKEN / https://www.youtube.com/KidShoryuken

– RPGMACHINE86 / https://www.youtube.com/rpgmachine86

– KARCAMO GAMING / https://www.youtube.com/karcamogaming


the powerful stream

Please support my artist and awesome friend! Follow him on instagram @jaagoo.z  Xaviier Alexiis Gómez. He does some kickass arts!
Also if you wanna see more of Jaag’s work, click here.

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